What American freedom means to me

4 Jul

American freedom symbolises different things for different people. While the core principles of American Independence date back to 4th July 1776, people all over the world will have a different story to tell about what it means to be in the land of the free. As a British exchange student who spent my last year in South Carolina, I look back on my time abroad as one of the most carefree and joyful years of my life. As I sit in my computer chair sipping a cup of tea (pardon the positively dreadful stereotype) I reflect upon all the times I took American freedom for granted. In the red, white and blue spirit of Independence Day, here’s a Brits-eye view of what American freedom means to me.

American freedom makes dreams come true.

It’s dreaming about what it meant To Have A Dream. 10302743_10154160259315113_6254105797152374764_n

It’s dreaming about what the New York skyline looks like from 86 floors high.  1426487_10153485359020113_1408073646_n

It’s dreaming that you’re Alice Paul and the National Women’s Party picketing the White House for female suffrage. 1948214_10153963266205113_1941954637_n

It’s dreaming about what frat parties are really like. 1239815_10151927984546057_2122052212_n

It’s dreaming about the golden California coastline. 10382343_763896896965997_4746107802069694660_o

It’s dreaming about the greats from past and present. 10409757_10152120564822051_8781440310444325198_n

American freedom creates opportunity.

It’s learning how to rock-climb in Alabama. 1236936_10153741684220113_1446741469_n

It’s waking up in the morning and seeing your columns in the newspaper.viewpointsheader

It’s setting up a volleyball team with a group of internationals. 

It’s giving presentations about England in an American middle school.999819_743861552311694_607540598_n

It’s becoming South Carolina’s best student columnist 2013. Screen Shot 2014-06-14 at 19.57.23

American freedom is variation.

It’s travelling through four states in 2 weeks. 10451170_10154288235710113_7210974914393426782_n

It’s having friends from all over the world, from all walks of life. 1275589_10153252282535313_266095435_o

It’s being friends with people who are nothing like you. 10464346_10152120568557051_5369498333485261182_n

It’s meeting a new person every day. 1396063_10153443813405113_1209170342_n-2

It’s learning that doing things a little differently is okay. 

American freedom is team spirit.

It’s a cheerleading squad seeing it through to the end. 

It’s stars and stripes on every corner. 10403494_10154288234910113_622862200614300605_n

It’s 80,000 people rooting for the same team. 

It’s a marching band 340 musicians strong. 1184972_10153197588895113_813629457_n

It’s standing on your feet for 4 hours straight. 

American freedom is hospitality.

It’s going to seminars at your tutor’s house.10245344_10154102100580113_5314905462739688092_n

It’s going to an American home for Thanksgiving. 

It’s staying with American friends for a week.1526144_10154171467375113_3136757778159249347_n

It’s feeling at home in every state. 10276974_10154160240240113_5798112630718242246_n

It’s being accepted for who I am. 

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